Human being technology advantages 馃殌VS馃毥

 Since the invention of the wheel, countless centuries B.C. The man as specie has been able to create gadgets for all kind of uses, making our lives easier and longer. However, there has been more significant and functional inventions than others, In our third chapter of INTERCULTURALITY, we will be discusing briefly about space science, its achievements and the benefits to our lives, likewise the invention of the WC and once more tme its benefits to our lives. 

Space science: 

To begin with spcace science it cannot be helped mentioning The U.S and the no longer existing USSR. Both countries that in the 50s last century, began with the space race for controlling the space during the "cold war". 

The URSS took ahead in this race by sending the first man to the space in 1961 his name was YURI GAGARIN who circled the earth, it is worth mentioning as well that the USSR sent the first living being to the space in 1957, a dog called LAIKA which unfortunately passed away while getting the atmosphere. 



On another hand, The U.S took ahead and even it is said that won the race by landing the moon in 1969. It was the first and only time The U.S oversteped its opponent and for ones it was enough to win the race. 

Moon landing

More than sixty years have passed since the begin of the space race and one of the most significant steps in the recent years is the building of the space international station between 1998-2011. Besides six others moon landings in  fifty years, (Not too much sincerly.)

When it comes to benefits finally, space exploration is significant for agriculure, development of vaccines and prevention of natural desasters and weather. 

WC invention

Regardig to the modern WC its invention dates to 1775 by ALEXANDER CUMMINGS lataer on improved by JOSEPH BRAHAN in 1778 by adding and islotation system and improvening its functionality, 

This gadget is not a current idea though, the romans implemented a kind of public latrine, where people could make their necessities. However, this idea was forgotten once the impere fall. it wasn't until the medieval times when excrements became a priority since those things were thrown in the streets and countless lives were lost by diseases due to the lack of hygiene. 

It is estimated that million lives have been saved by surfering diseases yearly, even though being a deceptively simple invention and not quite significant today, 

WC inner system

Alexander Cummings

We have passed through the History of two inventions quite important in the lfe and development of the human being, As far as I concerned, space exploration has brought countless benefits to our lives as it has been mentioned, it has also been a costly and slowly process which has taken more than six decades. The WC on another hand, was a quick invention which has kept current during centuries being a significant invention due to its cheap cost and worldwide every home has a WC mantain hygiene all along in our homes. 


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