The endless dance
Welcome to this tiny space for those who love History and learn everyday, This month we will be getting used to a rite of passage from the tribe apache which is located in the U.S. This ceremony in which the girls about to get their womanhood are involved, besides the cloting they are supposed to use during this ceremony and dance. So lets get started with the clothing and items. CEREMONIAL DRESS: SUNRISE MONCCAINS; WOOD DANCE STUFF; Every item below has a purpose, The ceremonial dress it is passed from mother to daugter. Generation to generation which has symbolized the strengh of her foremothers, The moccains are made and sewed weeks aga the ceremony especially for the sunrise girl. Finally the wood dance, is the instrument with the girl will keep the rhythm and beats of each dance (130 dances) besides it will be the support to keep dancing the ceremony long. Now generally , all the tribe and guests are involved in the four-day dan...